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TuJu Residences: Inovasi Hidup Bandar Terkini

Hari ini, Farah teruja untuk memperkenalkan TuJu Residences & Retail, projek pertama oleh Distinctive World Sdn Bhd—hasil usaha sama antara Distinctive Capital Sdn Bhd dan Eccaz Sdn Bhd.

Terletak di KL Duta North, TuJu Residences & Retail bukan sekadar pembangunan kediaman bercampur; ia membawa revolusi dalam gaya hidup bandar Kuala Lumpur. Dengan reka bentuk yang diinspirasikan oleh karya abstrak kontemporari Piet Mondrian dari tahun 1930-an, TuJu Residences menawarkan seni bina yang benar-benar mencuri perhatian dan memukau

TuJu Residences membina kediaman yang memenuhi keperluan setiap generasi.

Mengambil perkataan Melayu untuk "arah," TuJu melambangkan satu usaha untuk mencipta ruang yang memiliki fungsi dan bermakna secara mendalam bagi membolehkan penghuninya meningkatkan asas kefungsiannya. Komitmen ini untuk dapat memupuk sebuah komuniti berbilang generasi yang berhubung dan prihatin, selain memastikan setiap penduduk merasai sokongan, kebersamaan, dan keberdayaan.

Dengan Nilai Pembangunan Kasar (GDV) RM750 juta, TuJu Residences dimajukan di atas tanah berkeluasan 4.52 ekar dan terdiri daripada 932 unit kediaman luas dan 38 unit kedai. Pembangunan dengan kepadatan rendah ini terdiri daripada dua blok, dengan setiap satu menawarkan 466 unit kediaman. Blok B dilancarkan pada Mac 2024, sementara Blok A dijangka pada suku keempat 2024.

Lebih khusus, penggunaan rangka menonjol dan warna utama menyelitkan sebuah asimetri sudut permainan tetapi dipadankan dengan sempurna seumpama blok Tetris aneh dalam satu tataan kediaman moden yang konsisten. Pembangunan menara berkembar setinggi 41 tingkat ini juga terdiri daripada unit komersial dan kediaman yang kelihatan modular dan berbeza. Meskipun begitu, ia dirancang dengan teliti untuk memenuhi keperluan pelbagai golongan keluarga moden dan mewujudkan komuniti berbilang generasi yang dinamik serta berwarna-warni.

Setiap satu blok menawarkan 466 unit kediaman.

Di TuJu Residences, prinsip panduan kesederhanaan berbeza berbanding praktikaliti yang telah menghasilkan ruang asimetri dengan warna dan tekstur kontra yang bertenaga di tengah-tengah persekitaran yang malar subur. Setiap komponen dirancang dengan teliti untuk menjadikannya lebih elegan dan memberi inspirasi kepada penduduk ketika menikmati seni bina dalaman bangunan.

Seni bina bahagian hadapan TuJu menggabungkan pendekatan pragmatik terhadap kelestarian. Belebas balkoni disatukan dengan dinding struktur, membentuk pendekatan elegan yang akan menambah daya tarikan luar bangunan, sekali gus menyumbang kepada pengurusan haba yang baik melalui saluran pengudaraan pasif.

Nikmati pemandangan panoramik dari ruang atas bumbung TuJu.

Alami ketenangan di lounge terapung TuJu Residences, tempat yang ideal untuk bersantai.

Nikmati pemandangan bandar yang menakjubkan dari rooftop TuJu Residences

Ia merangkumi beberapa inisiatif yang mengurangkan kesan kepada alam sekitar dan menggalakkan kehidupan bandar yang lestari termasuk penggunaan saluran pengudaraan silang semula jadi yang mesra alam, landskap hijau yang terbentang luas, kawasan tadahan air, serta teknologi solar dan pengumpulan air hujan canggih.

Dari satu sudut, kemampuan pembeli dewasa yang bekerja berusia 20-an memiliki kediaman di bandar besar sangat jarang berlaku disebabkan kos hidup yang tinggi. Justeru, TuJu Residences & Retail menyasar untuk menjadi pencetus perubahan dalam pasaran hartanah Kuala Lumpur dengan menawarkan kediaman yang dirancang dengan bijak yang sesuai dengan keperluan golongan pekerja muda berkeluarga dan warga emas, selain mengembalikan aspek mampu milik bagi pembangunan bandar.

Kawasan Strategik & Mempunyai Ciri-ciri Keselamatan Tip-top

TuJu Residences mengutamakan keselamatan dan kemudahan untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Dengan lebih daripada 50 kemudahan rekreasi yang direka khas, TuJu menawarkan persekitaran yang selamat dan inklusif. Kemudahan ini memastikan penghuni, dari kanak-kanak hingga warga emas, dapat menikmati gaya hidup berkualiti sambil berinteraksi secara positif. Dengan komitmen untuk mencipta ruang yang mendukung kesejahteraan dan hubungan sosial, TuJu menjanjikan pengalaman hidup bandar yang benar-benar holistik.

Kolam renang dengan suasana yang menenangkan.

Antara kemudahan rekreasi di TuJu Residences adalah taman perkhemahan.

Di TuJu Residences, nikmati ketenangan dan keselesaan di ruang rehat yang selesa

Pembangunan ini merangkumi pelbagai kemudahan yang ditawarkan di tiga aras, termasuk kolam renang infinity 50m, bilik permainan, ruang makan terbuka, ruang teater, ruang komputer, ruang bacaan, dan lain-lain. Tambahan pula, Blok Annexe menawarkan kemudahan seperti tingkat senaman, gelanggang bola keranjang, gelanggang badminton, dan dewan serba guna untuk penghuni berkumpul dan mengadakan majlis sambutan istimewa.

Terletak di off Jalan Kuching, TuJu Residences menawarkan ketersambungan yang sangat baik ke kawasan-kawasan utama di Lembah Klang. Lokasi perdana ini memastikan penduduk terhubung dengan kemudahan asas dan hab bandar yang dinamik. Selain itu, perkhidmatan bas percuma disediakan, menyediakan akses mudah ke pusat tumpuan utama seperti Publika Shopping Gallery, MRT Titiwangsa, dan MITEC.

TuJu Residences terletak di kawasan strategik KL Duta North, menawarkan kemudahan yang tiada tandingan.

Jangan risau jika anda tinggal di TuJu Residences tanpa kenderaan persendirian. Anda akan menikmati kemudahan pengangkutan awam yang lengkap, termasuk MRT, teksi, bas, dan perkhidmatan e-hailing. Dengan pelbagai pilihan ini, anda mudah bergerak ke mana sahaja di sekitar kawasan dengan selesa dan tanpa masalah

Pembangunan ini juga memiliki akses melalui rangkaian utama Lebuhraya Duta-Ulu Klang (DUKE), Lebuhraya SPRINT, Penchala Link, Kerinchi Link, Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Klang (NKVE), dan Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP). Ia menyediakan rangkaian mudah kepada penghuni TuJu Residences untuk urusan kerja, membeli-belah, atau bersantai.

Unit Galeri Rumah di TuJu Residences

Fara dah terpesona dengan unit galeri di TuJu Residences! Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang TuJu Residences? Ayo kunjungi unit galeri dan pameran di TuJu Sales Gallery. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melihat sendiri kehebatan dan keselesaan yang ditawarkan!

Type A1a, 710sf, 1R 1B (bedroom)

Type B, 893sf, 2R 2B (livingroom, dining & kitechen)

Type D1a, 1270sf, 3R 1S 2B (dining & living room)

Type D1a, 1270sf, 3R 1S 2B (ruang tamu)

Fara sangat teruja dengan rekabentuk unit galeri TuJu Residences! Walaupun tidak terlalu besar, apartment ini menawarkan keselesaan luar biasa, ideal untuk pasangan. Jika anda penggemar konsep minimalis, pasti akan jatuh cinta dengan gaya yang segar dan moden ini!

Komitmen Berbilang Generasi

TuJu Residences direka untuk memenuhi keperluan setiap generasi, mencipta kediaman yang berkembang bersama penghuninya. Pembangunan ini menggalakkan komuniti yang menyokong dan berkembang di mana semua peringkat usia dapat hidup dan maju bersama.

Projek ini menawarkan pelbagai pelan lantai fleksibel, membolehkan ruang diubah suai untuk memenuhi keperluan keluarga yang berubah dari masa ke masa. Dengan 10 reka bentuk unik, unit berkeluasan antara 710 hingga 1,442 kaki persegi, tersedia dari harga RM440,000.

Dari segi kelestarian, pembangunan ini menyediakan tempat letak kereta mesra EV, dan penduduk boleh memohon untuk memasang stesen pengecas EV mereka sendiri, tertakluk kepada kelulusan.

Dinding bukan struktur dalam unit memberikan fleksibiliti untuk perubahan masa depan, menjadikan TuJu Residences pilihan ideal untuk keluarga yang berkembang, mereka yang menjaga ibu bapa warga emas, dan sesiapa yang mencari keseimbangan antara kehidupan moden dan nilai tradisional.

Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai projek TuJu Residences, sila lawati laman web di

kempen ''Sending Love & Care to Children’ menyokong lebih 600 murid Orang Asli


KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Ogos 2024 — Menyedari kuasa transformatif pendidikan dalam membentuk masa depan, OXY, jenama penjagaan kulit anti-jerawat terkemuka untuk remaja di Malaysia, mengukuhkan komitmennya bagi menyokong pembelajaran murid-murid dari komuniti yang terpinggir untuk tahun ketiga. Melalui kempen edukatif ‘Sending Love & Care to Children’, OXY telah bekerjasama dengan Yayasan MyKasih dan Watsons Malaysia untuk memberikan sokongan pendidikan kepada lebih 600 murid dari empat buah sekolah Orang Asli di daerah Selangor.

Inisiatif untuk menyokong murid Orang Asli ini diteruskan ke tahun kedua di mana Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Judah (A), Pulau Carey, yang merupakan penerima manfaat tahun lalu, menyaksikan peningkatan dalam kehadiran murid, meningkat daripada 69% kepada 80%, melebihi KPI yang ditetapkan sebanyak 72%, hasil sumbangan OXY dalam peralatan audio visual dan bahan-bahan pembelajaran.

Tiga buah sekolah lain yang merupakan penerima manfaat dalam kempen tahun ini termasuk Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Kemandol (A), Bandar Saujana Putra, Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Tampoi (A), Dengkil, dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Lanjan (A), Damansara Perdana.

Program ini termasuklah kelas tambahan selepas waktu sekolah untuk 178 murid Orang Asli dari darjah 4 hingga 6 untuk meningkatkan kemahiran asas mereka dalam membaca, mengeja dan menulis. Inisiatif ini juga telah meningkatkan tahap literasi murid dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia selepas ia diperkenalkan tahun lalu di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Judah (A), Pulau Carey. Selain daripada program literasi, kempen ‘Sending Love & Care to Children’ oleh OXY juga menyediakan sudut membaca atau perpustakaan mini di dalam bilik darjah untuk memupuk minat membaca. Sokongan lanjut dari segi makanan dan bahan pembelajaran lain akan diberikan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pembelajaran kanak-kanak dari golongan komuniti yang terpinggir ini.

Untuk menggalakkan aktiviti fizikal dan juga semangat berpasukan di kalangan murid, OXY telah menganjurkan acara sukaneka di antara sekolah. Acara sukaneka yang merangkumi pelbagai bentuk permainan termasuklah Lumba Tarik Guni, Mengisi Botol Air dengan Span dan Lumba Bola Ping Pong-dan-Sudu. Setiap murid juga menerima cenderahati daripada OXY sebagai tanda penghargaan atas penglibatan mereka.

Untuk merealisasikan kempen ini, OXY, bersama Watsons Malaysia, telah berjaya mengumpul jumlah sumbangan sebanyak RM50,000 untuk membiayai pendidikan dan pembelajaran murid Orang Asli. Pihak sekolah memuji dedikasi OXY dalam memberikan bantuan pendidikan untuk murid Orang Asli yang terpinggir. Usaha Yayasan MyKasih dan Watsons Malaysia juga diiktiraf, dan menonjolkan komitmen besar mereka untuk memberikan masa depan yang lebih cerah bagi komuniti ini. Kempen ini dijangka dapat membantu merapatkan jurang pendidikan dan membuka peluang baharu untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan komuniti Orang Asli.

Lim Mei Yuen, Pengurus Besar Rohto-Mentholatum (M), menekankan kepentingan untuk menyediakan peluang pendidikan yang setara untuk setiap kanak-kanak, tanpa mengira latar belakang mereka. Beliau mengharap dengan sokongan pendidikan dan bahan pembelajaran yang disediakan oleh OXY, murid-murid akan lebih bersedia untuk cemerlang dalam pembelajaran mereka dan mendapatkan prospek masa depan yang cerah. Beliau juga berharap bahawa melalui inisiatif OXY, sesi pembelajaran akan menjadi lebih menyeronokkan dan menggalakkan murid-murid lebih bersemangat untuk hadir ke sekolah.

“Kami memahami kekangan kewangan dan sumber pendidikan terhad yang mungkin dihadapi oleh murid Orang Asli. Justeru, kami berhasrat untuk meneruskan sokongan kami kepada golongan kanak-kanak Orang Asli yang terpinggir ini. Dengan sokongan rakan sepakat kami, termasuklah Watsons Malaysia, Yayasan MyKasih dan guru-guru yang berdedikasi di sekolah, kami yakin bahawa murid-murid akan dapat mengatasi halangan dan mencapai matlamat pendidikan mereka. Matlamat kami adalah untuk mencipta perbezaan yang bermakna dalam kehidupan mereka dan menawarkan mereka peluang untuk berkembang maju dan berjaya,” tambah Lim.

Jenama penjagaan kulit untuk remaja, rangkaian produk OXY telah terbukti berkesan menangani masalah biasa kulit remaja seperti jerawat, kulit berminyak dan kulit yang terdedah kepada bintik hitam. Misi OXY melangkaui membantu remaja mencapai kulit dan keyakinan yang baik. Kami bertekad untuk menyokong pendidikan pelajar yang terpinggir dan memastikan peluang pendidikan yang setara untuk mereka.

Sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha berterusan kami, OXY akan terus menyediakan sokongan dan sumber untuk memperkasakan lebih ramai kanak-kanak, membuka jalan untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah. Dengan menggabungkan kepakaran penjagaan kulit dengan tanggungjawab sosial, OXY berusaha untuk memberi impak positif kepada kehidupan golongan muda, memupuk kesejahteraan dan keyakinan holistik mereka.

Untuk maklumat lanjut atau menyokong kempen ''Sending Love & Care to Children’ pada masa hadapan, sila layari

Website :
Facebook rasmi OXY Malaysia:



Huawei is launching these two new products on 18 June 2024!

KUALA LUMPUR, 12 JUNE 2024 - Huawei is all set to captivate tech enthusiasts with the launch of two remarkable devices, the “More than PC” HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S PaperMatte Edition; and the “Fashionable AI Laptop” HUAWEI MateBook 14. Mark your calendars for 18 June 2024, as Huawei will be launching these products along with other exciting additions on this day.

HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S PaperMatte Edition: ALL NEW Anti-Glare Display with More-than PC Experience

The HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S PaperMatte Edition is designed to provide an unparalleled visual and tactile experience. Featuring the revolutionary New PaperMatte Display from Huawei features a magnetically-controlled nano-optical layer technology that reduces light reflection and enhances clarity, while the anti-glare etching ensures a comfortable viewing experience. Now with a true-to-life color mode that simulates paper reading, it can imitate the look and feel of reading from real magazines, comic books, and even ebooks.

Additionally, the biggest allure of the PaperMatte Display is that it can offer a realistic writing and painting experience, complemented by the new GoPaint app and the latest HUAWEI M-Pencil equipped with NearLink technology. This tablet also features a 3:2 productivity screen, close to the golden ratio, along with an eye-catching 144 Hz refresh rate.

Starting from 12 June until 17 June 2024, customers who pay the deposit when ordering the HUAWEI MatePad 11.5”S PaperMatte Edition will receive complimentary gifts worth up to RM2,046, which includes the HUAWEI M-Pencil and HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard, both powered by NearLink, plus an additional RM200 voucher rebate. Place your orders now through the HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, or the HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada and visit the Huawei AppGallery for more information on the HUAWEI MatePad 11.5”S PaperMatte Edition.


Pay Deposit

Order Gifts

Trade-In Rebate/Vouchers

HUAWEI MatePad 11.5”S PaperMatte Edition

12 June 2024 -

17 June 2024

HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard + HUAWEI M-Pencil 3rd Gen + HUAWEI Mouse + Freebuds 5i  

RM200 exclusive Trade-In Rebate or voucher

(In-store & Online)

HUAWEI MateBook 14: The Most Fashionable AI Laptop

The HUAWEI MateBook 14 is a powerhouse laptop, designed for those who demand high performance and a stylish AI-driven experience. Its 2.8K OLED touchscreen display, with a 120Hz refresh rate, offers vibrant colours and smooth interactions, ideal for various tasks. Certified by TÜV Rheinland for eye comfort, it significantly reduces eye strain during extended use.

Weighing only 1.31kg and measuring 14.5mm in thickness, the HUAWEI MateBook 14 is perfect for professionals on the go. It is powered by the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra processor, delivering up to 40W TDP for exceptional performance.

With groundbreaking AI capabilities such as AI Camera and AI Sound, the HUAWEI MateBook 14 enhances video calls and audio experiences with artificial technology that can help you further improve your work experience, especially during a video conference – preventing accidental camera activation when joining a meeting.

From 12 June to 17 June 2024 customers can enjoy complimentary gifts worth up to RM1,614 when they order the HUAWEI MateBook 14 through the HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee or the HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada.



Pay Deposit Period

Order Gifts

HUAWEI MateBook 14 

HUAWEI MateBook 14 2024 U7/16/1TB (Green)

12 June 2024 -

17 June 2024

3 in 1 Printer + HUAWEI Mouse + HUAWEI Trendy Backpack + Laptop Stand + 1+1 Year Warranty + Microsoft Office Home & Student 2021 

HUAWEI MateBook 14 2024 U5/16/1TB (Grey)

Don’t miss this opportunity to be among the first to experience the future of technology with the HUAWEI MatePad 11.5''S PaperMatte and HUAWEI MateBook 14. For more information, updates or promotions about Huawei’s latest products, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.


KUALA LUMPUR, 25 MAY 2024 - In an exciting development for tech enthusiasts across the nation, Huawei Malaysia has announced that the highly anticipated HUAWEI Pura 70 series and the HUAWEI MateBook X Pro are now available nationwide. These new products represent Huawei's commitment to innovation and excellence, offering cutting-edge features and sleek designs to meet the diverse needs of consumers.

HUAWEI Pura 70 Series: Where Artistry Meets Innovation

The latest HUAWEI Pura 70 series has three distinct models the HUAWEI Pura 70, HUAWEI Pura 70 Pro, and HUAWEI Pura 70 Ultra. Each model is designed to cater to the varied preferences and needs of modern smartphone users, combining advanced technology with elegant design.

Revolutionary Imaging Technology: The HUAWEI Pura 70 series boasts an Ultra Lighting Camera system that includes the industry's first HUAWEI XD Motion Engine, allowing users to capture high-speed moments with the Ultra Speed Snapshot feature. The HUAWEI Pura 70 Ultra's Ultra Lighting Pop-out Camera, with its retractable structure, integrates a one-inch image sensor and large aperture for unparalleled image quality.

Advanced Telephoto Capabilities: The Ultra Lighting SuperMacro Telephoto Camera, with its F2.1 aperture—the largest in periscope telephoto cameras—supports a 5cm minimum focusing distance. This allows higher magnification, making small objects appear larger, ideal for capturing intricate details of jewelry, insects, or flower petals.

Durability: The HUAWEI Pura 70 Series introduces the Super Durable Kunlun Glass, offering a 100% improvement in fall and pressure resistance compared to the previous generation. The HUAWEI Pura 70 Ultra, featuring Crystal Armor Kunlun Glass, provides superior scratch resistance and durability, boasting a 300% increase in strength.

HUAWEI MateBook X Pro (2024) : Redefining the Mobile Workstation

The HUAWEI MateBook X Pro (2024) is set to redefine the concept of a mobile workstation. It combines ultra-slim and powerful features which making it an ideal choice for professionals and creatives who demand both functionality and style.

Ultra-Slim and Stylish Design: Weighing just 980g and measuring only 13.5mm thin, the HUAWEI MateBook X Pro (2024) features the innovative Cloud Falcon Architecture, which optimises internal space to accommodate larger components like enhanced dual Shark Fin fans and a bigger battery.

Captivating Display Quality: The HUAWEI Matebook X Pro boasts a 14.2-inch Flexible OLED Real Color Display with touchscreen capabilities, a striking 3.1K resolution, and a 93% screen-to-body ratio. Featuring Huawei’s first ADOBE RGB color spectrum, it provides visuals that are both vibrant and precise.

Powerful Performance: Equipped with the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 processor, the HUAWEI MateBook X Pro (2024) handles intensive applications and multitasking effortlessly, ensuring smooth and responsive performance.

Advanced Cooling Technology: The upgraded Shark Fin Heat Dissipation System enhances airflow and cooling efficiency, allowing the laptop to maintain optimal performance without overheating.

Smart Collaboration: Integrated with Huawei Share and Multi-screen Collaboration, the HUAWEI MateBook X Pro (2024) allows seamless interaction with other Huawei devices. It features AI-enhanced cameras and microphones for improved virtual communication, including AI Camera for Beauty and FollowCam, AI Sound for Personal Voice Enhancement, and AI Search. Additionally, AI privacy features ensure intelligent screen blurring when the user looks away, enhancing both productivity and security.


With these innovative products now available nationwide, Huawei continues to redefine technology and design standards. The HUAWEI Pura 70 series is now available starting from RM3,699, inclusive of complimentary gifts valued up to RM2,376, and the HUAWEI Matebook X Pro starting from RM8,999, with complimentary gifts worth up to RM4,582.

For more information, updates or promotions about Huawei’s latest products, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.


Step Up Your Style with Anna Jobling’s Top Choice of Smartwatch, Now Available in Malaysia! 

KUALA LUMPUR, 18 MAY 2024 — Following the successful Asia Pacific launch of the HUAWEI Innovative Product Launch earlier this week, Huawei is excited to announce that the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 is now available for purchase in Malaysia! Perfect for today’s trendsetters, this stylish, versatile smartwatch is ideal for anyone looking to stay ahead in fashion, health, and fitness. Whether you’re a fashionista balancing a vibrant social life and a demanding schedule or a budding professional embracing a stylish and health-conscious lifestyle, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 is your perfect companion.

This fashionable smartwatch is incredibly sleek and lightweight, offering not only cutting-edge health and fitness tracking but also supporting you throughout the day with a long battery life of up to 10 days on a single charge. Imagine a week-long trip, a weekend adventure, or navigating your daily grind without needing to pack your charger – this watch keeps up with your lifestyle. What’s more, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 is broadly compatible with both iOS and Android to ensure seamless connectivity. Get notifications, quick reply to WhatsApp messages, or accept and end Bluetooth calls directly from your wrist to see how it seamlessly integrates into your stylish and active daily routine.


The HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 combines sleek design with powerful functionality. With a slim profile of just 9.9mm and weighing only 26g, it’s comfortable to wear all day. Its new square design with rounded edges and vibrant sun-brushed crown offers a bold, youthful look. The aluminium alloy body adds a touch of elegance, making it suitable for any occasion.

The 1.82-inch AMOLED screen, featuring a 77.4% screen-to-body ratio, delivers vivid colors and sharp details. The screen’s brightness can reach up to 1500 nits, ensuring clear visibility in any lighting condition. Whether you’re outdoors under the bright sun or in a dimly lit room, your smartwatch display will always be easy to read.


When it comes to user experience, the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 offers a vibrant and innovative UX tailored for the dynamic, on-the-go user. Choose from three new watch faces – dazzling, fun mood, and parallax space – or explore over 10,000 watch faces available on the HUAWEI Watch Face Store. Interchangeable straps in various colors and materials, including leather and fluoroelastomer, allow you to match your watch to your outfit or mood effortlessly.

Imagine switching from a professional look for a meeting to a casual style for a night out with friends. The HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 makes it easy to adapt your watch to any situation.


Stay on top of your health with the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3’s advanced tracking features. The improved TruSeen™ 5.5 system provides accurate heart rate monitoring, even in scenarios with weak signals. The enhanced SpO2 measurements are perfect for high-intensity workouts or high-altitude activities.

HUAWEI TruSleep™ 4.0 technology offers detailed sleep tracking, allowing you to discover how well you’re sleeping and receive tips to achieve perfect sleep. The new Sleep Breathing Awareness feature detects interruptions in your breathing during sleep, ensuring you get a comprehensive analysis of your nightly rest.


The Stay Fit app on the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 provides extensive support for calorie and weight management. With an expanded food database covering 50 countries, you can easily monitor your diet and exercise balance. The intuitive interface displays your current calorie intake versus your goal, helping you stay on track.

The HUAWEI Health App offers over 200 personalized training plans across nine categories, including fat-burning and body sculpting workouts. The Smart Sports suggestion feature recommends exercises based on your habits, weather, and Activity Rings status, providing personalized guidance. Users can also explore five new sports modes powered by HUAWEI TruSport™, including padel, esports, and football, totaling over 100 sports modes for urban, outdoor, campus, and water activities.


The HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 includes advanced features for menstrual cycle management. Track your cycle, record symptoms, and receive timely reminders, helping you stay in tune with your body. The intuitive calendar view makes it easy to manage your menstrual health.

Additionally, the Grey and White Leather editions of the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3 come with a multi-functional NFC module, allowing you to use your watch as an access card, transport card, or payment card.


Elevate your lifestyle with the HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3. Available now at all HUAWEI Experience Stores, HUAWEI’s Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada and Senheng from only RM 599!

For more information, updates or promotions about HUAWEI WATCH FIT 3, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild MIlk Sunscreen

SUNPLAY SKIN AQUA UV PERFECT MILD MILK SUNSCREEN | Pertahanan Terunggul untuk Gaya Hidup Moden, Direka untuk Memukau Pengguna

Kuala Lumpur, 19hb Mac 2024 – Bersedia untuk terpukau dengan inovasi terbaru Sunplay Skin Aqua: UV Perfect Mild Milk Sunscreen. Direka untuk memenuhi permintaan gaya hidup dinamik masa kini, pelindung matahari yang tercanggih ini menawarkan perlindungan yang tiada tandingan terhadap sinaran matahari dan cahaya biru digital, semuanya sambil memenuhi keutamaan profesional muda dan pelajar.

“Misi kami di Rohto Mentholatum adalah untuk merevolusikan penjagaan daripada matahari dengan penyelesaian yang berpatutan dan canggih. Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk Sunscreen merangkumi komitmen ini, memberikan perlindungan unggul terhadap cahaya biru dan sinaran UV yang berbahaya, tanpa menjejaskan kualiti," kata Lim Mei Yuen, Pengurus Besar Rohto Mentholatum.

Ciri-ciri Utama Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk Sunscreen:

Pertahanan Lanjutan: SPF50+ PA+++ melindungi daripada sinaran UVA/UVB, manakala teknologi Anti-Blue Light melindungi daripada kerosakan skrin digital.

Bebas daripada Bahan Tambahan: Direka tanpa alkohol, pewangi, pewarna, minyak mineral dan MIT, sesuai untuk kulit sensitif.

Ramuan Penjagaan Kulit & Pelembap: Formula pengunci air MPC dan mengandungi Asid Hyaluronik untuk melembapkan kulit dengan berkesan dan mencegah kehilangan lembapan. Mengandungi Kolagen Hidrolisis dan Vitamin B5 & E untuk melindungi daripada penuaan kulit dan mendedahkan kulit berseri yang sihat.

Kemewahan Mampu Milik: Berharga RM29.90 untuk 40g, ia mesti dimiliki bagi mereka yang mencari perlindungan premium tanpa perlu berbelanja besar.

Krim tabir suria Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk bukan sahaja sekadar sebuah pelindung matahari—ia adalah gaya hidup yang penting. Dengan formula canggih dan tekstur ringan, pelindung matahari ini direka bentuk untuk memukau pengguna, menawarkan formula yang tiada tandingan dan tekstur ringan." tambah Lim Mei Yuen.

Pelindung matahari Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk kini boleh didapatkan di semua farmasi terkemuka dan Shopee, Lazada dan TikTok.

Hayati evolusi teknologi penjagaan kulit dan temui kecantikan yang kekal dengan Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, lawati atau berhubung dengan kami di @sunplay_malaysia.


The HUAWEI GoPaint Contest is filled with an air of anticipation and excitement as Huawei launches the HUAWEI MatePad Digital Art Workshop with digital art influencers, @mist_gentleuncle, @constancegohh, and @yahyarushdan, at Huawei Experience Store across Malaysia.

Explore the artistic possibilities of the HUAWEI MatePad 13.2” with @mist_gentleuncle, known for her whimsical and casual comic strips; @constancegohh, with her cute and cosy style by demonstrating how to make the most of the MatePad's innovative features. Meanwhile, @yahyarushdan, celebrated for his intricate detailing and compact art, showcasing the tablet's precision for digital art.

Starting from 20 January until 17 February 2024, the workshops will be conducted at participating Huawei Experience Store in Klang Valley, Pulau Pinang and Johor Bahru by these three prominent artists, who will guide participants through the incredible features of the MatePad, showcasing its potential as a powerful tool for digital art creation. 

Attendees will have hands-on experience with the device, allowing them to unleash their creativity and discover the limitless possibilities that come with the MatePad Pro 13.2”.

Interested individuals may register for the workshops, where the MatePad Pro 13.2" will be at the centre stage of creativity. Secure your spot by visiting the link here!

In addition to the HUAWEI Digital Art Workshop, you can also stand a chance to win cash prizes of up to USD 55,000 when you participate in the Worldwide Creating Activity – GoPaint Contest, by submitting your work on the GoPaint page in the My HUAWEI app or by posting them on Instagram/Facebook with #HUAWEIGoPaint and #HUAWEIGoPaintMY, and mention @huaweimobilemy.

For those who have registered their participation for the Global GoPaint Contest will also be automatically submitted for the Malaysia level where there will be additional prizes to be won such as HUAWEI Watch Fit, HUAWEI Band 8 and more! 

For further information about the HUAWEI GoPaint Contest please visit

For more information, latest updates or promotions on the new products, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.

HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2” HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2”


The official debut of Huawei’s thinnest, lightest and most powerful tablet: HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2”

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 JANUARY 2024 – Huawei has finally unveiled the latest addition to their MatePad series, the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2” scheduled to make its debut in Malaysia on 9 January 2024. Additionally, Huawei is set to introduce the lightweight champion in their MateBook line-up, HUAWEI MateBook D16, and the first ever open-earbuds, HUAWEI FreeClip.

The standout among these launches is undeniably the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2”. A powerful, sleek and decade-defining masterpiece, the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2" marks a new era in the tablet industry. Elevating experiences spanning audio-visual entertainment, writing, and drawing, as well as lightweight office tasks.

Featuring a 94% screen-to-body ratio, its ultra-light and ultra-slim design ensures exceptional portability. The tablet also boast the HUAWEI M-Pencil (3rd generation) which is the world's first consumer device featuring NearLink technology, which seamlessly connects and interacts with the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2". Thanks to the NearLink technology, users can now improve their writing experience with lower delay, precise lines, and adaptive pressure. Discover the thin and light form of productivity, convenient interactive experience, efficient software interaction, and the evolution performance of the soon-to-be-launch HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2".


Created from elegance and beauty, Huawei will also be introducing a new generation of audio products with the debut of the most stylish and comfortable open earbuds for all day wear; HUAWEI FreeClip. These open-ear true wireless speaker (TWS) marks Huawei’s foray into a new era of audio experiences, featuring an innovative C-bridge design, leakproof sound technology, IP54-rated water and sweat resistance, and the industry’s first-ever intelligent left-right ear recognition.

To complete the launch of the Creation of Beauty, Huawei will also be launching the HUAWEI MateBook D16, a compact and powerful addition to its MateBook series. Retaining a 16-inch large screen estate, the laptop is now lighter and equipped with the 13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9 High Performance Processor, Dual Shark Fin Fan technology, and up to 70 Wh of battery life. Giving you the smartest laptop with the highest performance possibly in its class.


For those eager to experience the full extent of the creation of beauty, head straight to the Huawei Official Website to get your hands on the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 13.2” which will be available for pre order starting from today until 8 January 2024. Exciting complimentary gifts such as HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard, HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 2, HUAWEI M-PENCIL and HUAWEI Sound Joy will be yours if you pre order now! Not just that, the HUAWEI MateBook D16 and the HUAWEI FreeClip will also available for pre order, making this the perfect time to secure Huawei’s latest line of products to fulfill all your tech needs. For more information or the latest updates on these promotions, please visit the nearest Huawei Experience Store, HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page, or Instagram.


About HUAWEI Consumer Business Group (CBG) Malaysia

Huawei's products and services are available in more than 170 countries and are used by a third of the world's population. Fourteen R&D centres have been set up in countries around the world, including Germany, Sweden, Russia, India and China. Huawei Device BG is one of Huawei's three business units and covers smartphones, PC and tablets, wearables and cloud services, etc. Huawei's global network is built on over 30 years of expertise in the telecom industry and is dedicated to delivering the latest technological advances to consumers around the world.

Issued on behalf of HUAWEI Consumer Business Group (CBG) Malaysia by S&L Integrated Public Relations Sdn Bhd:

For further information kindly contact:

Diana Buxton, PR Manager
Mobile: +6017 325 0520

Muhaimin Muhamed, Senior PR Executive
Mobile: +6016 456 8569

Durggaashini Rajasingam T, PR Executive
Mobile: +6014 964 6680

HUAWEI FreeClip presents the best of both fashion-focused design and Open-ear Listening technology


KUALA LUMPUR, 13 DECEMBER 2023 – HUAWEI Consumer Business Group (CBG) today announced the launch of its brand-new audio product HUAWEI FreeClip, expanding the brand’s repertoire of audio product series and catering to a new generation of listeners. 

This marks the first open-ear TWS earbuds by Huawei, which sets itself apart from conventional audio technology with its innovative C-bridge Design, leakproof sound technology, IP54-rated water and sweat resistance, AI Crystal-Clear call, and the industry’s first-ever intelligent left-right ear recognition. HUAWEI FreeClip will be available for pre-order exclusively on the Huawei Official Website, HUAWEI Official Store on Shopee, and HUAWEI Flagship Store on Lazada. Stay tuned for more information.

Launched as part of Huawei wearables’ Fashion Forward proposition, the HUAWEI FreeClip presents the best of both fashion-focused design and Open-ear Listening technology, featuring an iconic C-bridge Design which is a groundbreaking design highlight of the earbuds. The innovative design makes the HUAWEI FreeClip the ideal wireless audio companion for users who desire an alternative to in-ear earbuds for versatile uses, such as in sports, fashion, leisure, and mobile office scenarios.  

Huawei’s First Open-Ear TWS Audio: Made for the New Generation Listener

During its R&D process, Huawei noticed a growing demographic of listeners who wanted an audio listening experience that had all the technological strengths of contemporary in-ear wireless earbuds but allowed them to stay attuned to their surroundings. However, many users found conventional open-ear earbuds to be lacking in comfort, audio quality, and aesthetics. 

The HUAWEI FreeClip was therefore developed by Huawei as an answer to these evolving needs and to resolve existing pain points in the market. The open-ear TWS earbuds also added features that would boost outdoor sports experiences or working needs, such as online calls and in-person collaborations at the office.

Innovative C-bridge Design: Optimising the Open-Ear Audio Experience

To create open-ear TWS earbuds that provide comfort and style all at once, Huawei thoroughly conducted real user testing and research to achieve an optimal ergonomic fit that still manages to stun in design – basing its design off the data of over 10,000 global human ear data. 

This was achieved through three main parts of the earbuds: the Comfort Bean, the Acoustic Ball, and the C-bridge. At the centre of the structural design is the C-bridge Design, which connects the Acoustic Ball and Comfort Bean using a cantilever design. The C-bridge Design is crafted with the industry’s complex techniques, which required 3 years for Huawei engineers to master. The C-bridge Design’s prototypical infrastructure is made of high-performance nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) shape memory alloy, which ensures optimal comfort for different ear sizes and shapes. Even with its malleability, the C-bridge Design also manages to maintain its durability, and has been stress-tested through 25,000+ reliability tests.

The C-bridge Design also brings the ultimate technology that connects the earbuds’ acoustic, battery and control system, with the Ni-Ti shape memory alloy containing 9 core wires and 1 memory steel wire despite having the thin circumference of a wire. This design ensures each earbud weighs only as light as 5.6g, lightweight and comfortable enough to be worn a full day. 

Together with the ergonomic convex-concave structures of the Acoustic Ball and Comfort Bean, each feature works together to produce a secure yet ergonomic fit, staying fastened on the user’s ears while lessening strain and discomfort on the ears. This matters even more to those who need to wear their earbuds over a long period of time, whether its a full workday of back-to-back calls in the office or up to 8-hour music playback.

Leakproof Audio Featuring Reverse Sound Waves System

The HUAWEI FreeClip’s Open-ear Listening technology solves this by relying on two major audio technologies – the high-sensitivity 10.8 mm Dual-magnet High-sensitivity Driver Unit and the Reverse Sound Waves system – which work in tandem to improve audio clarity and prevent sound leakage. 

The 10.8 mm Dual-magnet High-sensitivity Driver Unit ensures an increased driving capability of the speakers, resulting in powerful sound production that presents the nuanced tones of the music the user is listening to. Moreover, the C-bridge Design ensures the Acoustic Ball comfortably covers the circumference around the crus of the helix and the antitragus, comfortably fitting the user’s auricles while bringing the audio production closer to the ear canal. 

The Reverse Sound Waves System lets users enjoy intelligent volume adjustment while subtly cancelling sound waves. This would help create a more secure and pure listening experience, while sound waves at a distance are cancelled, reducing sound leakage effectively. In addition, FreeClip has designed dual sound rear vents on the backside of the acoustic ball to reversely offset the leakage sound waves and reduce sound leakage. 

First Open-Ear Earbuds with Auto Left-Right Ear Recognition

One common challenge of TWS earbuds is the inconvenient sorting between left-right earbuds, which causes inconsistent audio experience or potential discomfort from the mismatch between the ear and earbud. The technology ensures that the earbuds adapt to the users’ comfort and convenience, rather than the other way round, creating a more hassle-free and intuitive user experience.

Made for the Fit and Fashionable: Sweat Resistance and Wind Reduction

On top of its snug and secure fit, the HUAWEI FreeClip is IP54 rated for water and sweat resistance. This makes the earbuds a great fit for users who rely on it during physical activities, whether its music for motivation or staying connected to Bluetooth calls. 

The wind noise reduction would help users make conducive calls even while they’re road cycling in public. 

For more information, latest updates or promotions on the new products, please visit HUAWEI Official Website, HUAWEI Official Facebook page or Instagram.